IA 25. 7.1863 Polling booth at New Chum. Marrow's Store, New Chum Reef. IA 25. 7.1863 Claim 1 South, Sandstone Reef. TC 16. 9.1865 Applies for licence "New Chum Hotel". TC 7.10.1865 License granted. TC 15. 8.1866 Considerable extensions to Hotel. TC 18. 8.1866 Quite a celebration. TC 29. 9.1866 Concert. TC 10.10.1866 Major Shareholder South Sandstone Co. TC 1.12.1866 Court case v Pierce re Cambrian shares. TC 12. 1.1867 Front page ad. TC 23. 2.1867 Charged with sly grogging. TC 2. 3.1867 Apollo Minstrels at Hotel, best for some time. TC 7. 9.1867 Auction sale of Hotel - very good description of Hotel. Big bar, billiard room, theatre, two parlours, seven bedrooms, etc etc. TC 21. 9.1867 Applies for fresh licence. TC 5.10.1867 Again puts up Hotel for auction. TC 11. 1.1868 Hotel relicenced. TC 28. 3.1868 Sells Hotel to Crowe. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.