MDA 11. 1858 Pioneer Grassy Flat Steam Sawmills opened by W Bell, Proprietor, Concannon. MDA 15. 8.1859 Advertisement. MDA 2. 3.1860 Grassy Flat for sale, good report. MDA 28. 5.1860 Hammond, proprietor timber yard at Tarnagulla. MDA 4.12.1860 Cooper at Pioneer Grassy Flat. IA 26. 4.1861 Grassy Flat ad. IA 30. 4.1861 Grassy Flat ad. MDA 14. 7.1862 Grassy Flat Court Case. IA 25. 2.1862 Auction of stock. IA 4. 3.1862 All for sale. IA 3.10.1862 Leworthy and Co at Murphys Creek. IA 17.10.1862 Sale of Plant - good report. DTSE 23. 5.1864 Hargreaves at Murphy's Creek. TC 3.10.1868 Wilson and Grisold, Bet Bet Shire Sawmill. TC 19.12.1868 Manchester Saw Mills, Corfu Reef. George Barlow, Manager. TC 1. 1.1870 W Hargreaves' German Hill Steam Saw Mills. TC 31.12.1870 Arnold's Bridge Saw Mills, Inglewood Road, Brown and Patterson. German Hill Steam Saw Mills, Tarnagulla, W Hargreaves. Murphy's Creek Steam Saw Mills, Hargreaves and Co. TC 24. 6.1871 J Hargreaves may erect mill near new Lannecoorie Bridge. TC 1. 7.1871 W Hargreaves removes mill from German Hill to Simpson's Creek. Brown and Patterson, Arnold's Bridge Steam Saw Mills. TC 15. 8.1871 Brown and Patterson dissolve partnership. Brown to continue. John Brown, Arnold's Bridge Saw Mills. TC 27. 6.1874 John Brown at Arnold's Bridge. See W Hargreaves for location of his mill. TC 9. 1.1875 Neal and Reed take over W Hargreaves' mill at Simpson's Creek. TC 17. 7.1875 Neal's arm amputated in accident. TC 9.10.1875 Laanecoorie Steam Saw Mills, Thomas Grisold. TC 1. 7.1876 J Brown resumes work at Arnold's Bridge. TC 28.10.1876 J Brown Moves to Wehla Creek. TC 27. 3.1880 W Hargreaves back at the Simpson's Creek mill. TC 31. 1.1885 W Hargreaves at Simpson's Creek. TC 1. 5.1886 Ditto. TC 16.10.1886 Ditto. TC 25. 6.1887 Ditto. TC 5. 7.1890 Ditto. TC 27. 6.1891 Ditto. ----- This data is part of the David Gordon Index and is provided for private use only. Copyright David Gordon 2012.